All About Water Damage, Remediation, And Restoration

6 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

As a homeowner, it is your responsibility to understand the basics of your home's systems and other areas that require maintenance or are going to need repairs at some point, such as the roof, the HVAC, and the plumbing. You also want to make sure you are prepared to deal with major issues, should they arise. One important thing to learn about is water damage and restoration, and you can learn more here. 

Know how to spot the signs of water damage

In some cases, the signs of water damage will be very obvious. You may come home from a weekend away to find out there has been a flood in your home and you walk in on a sopping wet floor, ruined furniture, and damaged wood in other areas. However, there are other less obvious signs that can let you know there is water damage in your home from less obvious sources of moisture, such as a small leak, a leaking roof, or even condensation. Some signs to be aware of include discoloration of the wall, dampness on the floor, swelling of wood cabinets and other wood areas, bubbling or peeling paint, a musty smell, mold, and/or bubbling or peeling wallpaper. 

Recognize different types of water

When your home floods, it may be flooded with different types of water. You should learn more about these, so you are better-versed on what's happening in your home and additional risks you may be dealing with should something happen. One type of water is clean water, and this is the best to have flood your home, although of course, it is always seriously bad to have any flood. But with clean water, you have to worry about water damage but not issues from the actual water. There is also grey water, and this water can cause sickness because it can have chemicals and contaminants in it. There is also black water, and this is very dangerous and can cause serious illnesses as well. 

Understand what water damage remediation and restoration is

Water remediation is the process of extracting all of the water from all of the parts of the home where it is. Once the water has been extracted, then dehumidifiers and other equipment will be used to make sure the home is dry again. Once it is dry, then steps will be taken to prevent the development of mold in the home. In some cases, parts of the home may be removed when they are damaged and come with additional risk. Water damage restoration is the process of removing all damaged portions of the home and replacing them with brand-new materials. Once the water damage restoration is done, the home will often be in better condition than before the flood. 
