Clean Your Bungalow's Gutters Easily And Safely With A Pressure Washer

14 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Cleaning your gutters when you have a two-level house is a job that is best left for professionals, but if you have a bungalow, you can typically handle the job yourself. While there are a number of tools that you can use to clean your gutters, a pressure washer with a gutter-cleaning attachment can usurp your garden hose, a gutter scoop and other related tools — and allow you to get the job done easily and safely, all while standing firmly in your yard. Here's the method of handling this task properly.

Learn How To Use The Attachment

Gutter-cleaning attachments for pressure washers come in a variety of styles. Many have just one nozzle, but some have two nozzles that blast water in opposite directions. The common trait among all these attachments is that they have a long handle and a gooseneck style. These elements allow you to stand in your yard and, with your arms holding the attachment wand overhead, easily reach your gutters. It's worthwhile to affix the attachment to your pressure washer and test it out before you're ready to actually tackle the job.

Remove Leaves From Your Gutters

The process of cleaning your gutters with the pressure washer and this specialized attachment is simple. Make sure that you're wearing goggles or safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying leaves, and then lift the tip of the attachment into a section of your gutter. Press the trigger to spray the water, and you'll begin to see leaves and other plant matter fly out of the gutters as the pressure of the water removes them. When nothing further is coming out of the gutters, change to a new position and spray accordingly. Continue this pattern of moving and spraying throughout the entire gutter network until there are no more leaves flying out.

Wrap Up The Job

Once you've sprayed all of the leaves and other plant matter out of your gutters with your pressure washer and gutter-cleaning attachment, set the tool aside and grab a grass rake. It's now time to move around your yard and gather up all the leaves that are now littering your lawn. Once you've made them into several small piles, you can load them into a series of paper yard waste bags and take them to your local yard waste depot or drag them to the curb if your waste management company picks up yard waste in this manner.

For more information, contact Gutter Magician NKY or a similar company.
